Category: Tech

  • Updating EXSi

    Running out of space when updating EXSi, follow the steps in the link below: ESXI 6.7 update: No space left on device

  • Installing SSL Certificate on Edgerouter

    You can refer to the following site: Key Step: 1) Merge the contents of your key and certificate file into a .pem filecat hostname_example_com.key hostname_example_com.crt > server.pem2) Backup the existing .pem filecp /etc/lighttpd/server.pem /root/server.pem.bak3) Copy the .pem file to the Web Server Directorycp /root/server.pem /etc/lighttpd/server.pem4) Reboot and Testkill -SIGINT $(cat /var/run/ -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

  • Replacing ESXi Certificates

    The replacement can be done via the Shell by going to the following directory, /etc/vmware/ssl. Rename/replace the existing certificates: rui.crt rui.key Restart the host or restart the management agent using /etc/init.d/hostd restart

  • Updating EXSI – The easy way

    This is the easiest way that is available to follow to update the EXSI instance. The link as follows:

  • ASUS Router – Adding a valid cert

    When using the HTTPS login of the router, it would utilise a self-signed cert. To have a valid cert from sites like Let’s Encrypt, you can install it using the following command from the following link: using this link The key parts of the commands: 1. Cleanup of existing pem files cd /etc…

  • Exploring Home Lab

    I have been exploring different options for running a server to host VMs. What I have found as options are: VMware vSphere Hypervisor Proxmox Citrix Hypervisor KVM Xen unraid I chose VMware vSphere Hypervisor as I found that it has the most common hardware support and the amount of information online is much more extensive,…